How the smoke blanketing the Northeast Canadian wildfires can impact our mental health

How the smoke blanketing the Northeast Canadian wildfires can impact our mental health

Exposure to fires and smoke can increase rates of anxiety and depression. June 8, 2023, 5:57 PM ET 5 minute read Smoke from the record-breaking Canadian wildfires continues to blanket much of the Northeast and impact air quality. Plumes of smoke composed of fine particles and toxic gases can negatively impact our physical health, causing … Read more

The Crowded Room True Story: Danny Sullivan’s Real Criminal Case Explained

The Crowded Room True Story: Danny Sullivan's Real Criminal Case Explained

Warning! This article may contain spoilers for The Crowded RoomThe new Apple TV+ show The crowded room centered its narrative around his complex character, Danny Sullivan, as he drew inspiration from the true story that reshaped the justice system. Played by Tom Holland, Danny’s life takes a turn after he is arrested for a shooting … Read more

The secret of why stress makes you reach for chocolate revealed

Australian researchers have warned that stress may promote comfort eating (stock image)

Scientists have revealed why feeling stressed keeps you reaching for donuts, candy, and even candy bars. Australian researchers have said that when someone is full, an area of ​​the brain kicks in to turn off reward signals from food that signal them to stop eating. But in experiments on stressed mice, they found this area … Read more

How prepared is Europe for an increase in gambling and addiction?

How prepared is Europe for an increase in gambling and addiction?

An increasing number of Europeans suffer from gambling addiction, a problem that is expected to grow across the continent as profits from the sector are expected to increase in the coming years. For Chris, his 18th birthday was more than a major milestone marking the transition from childhood to adulthood. It was the day he … Read more

Child maltreatment could cause alexithymia in adults – study

Child maltreatment could cause alexithymia in adults - study

People who experienced childhood maltreatment are more likely to develop alexithymia in adulthood, according to a new study published this month. The peer-reviewed study, published in the journal Psychological Bulletinsought to understand the long-term social and emotional impact of experiencing childhood maltreatment. What is “alexithymia”? Alexithymia is a personality trait that used to be considered … Read more

Greece is officially the most stressed country in Europe, a new study reveals

Greece is officially the most stressed country in Europe, a new study reveals

The study, conducted by the experts at CBDCBDolie.nle looked at European countries in the following categories to find out the most stressed countries on the continent: Depression prevalence estimated the share of the population who had depressive disorders in the past year, whether they were diagnosed or not. Anxiety prevalence estimates the share of the … Read more

The men’s retreat program aims to address increasing male loneliness

The men's retreat program aims to address increasing male loneliness

Hidden off the main streets of Twentynine Palms, California is an oasis in the desert. It is at The Campbell House that palm trees and greenery thrive amid the relentless hot sun. It is also where about 30 men gathered for a weekend retreat. Men come from different races, socio-economic backgrounds and age groups. They … Read more

Why do Idol characters call mental illness sexy?

Why do Idol characters call mental illness sexy?

When Britney Spears came out Blackouts, the album that many critics and fans would argue is the superstars best record, music came in the wake of chaos. Not even a year earlier, Spears was photographed shaving her head, an event that sparked millions of forum comments, media harassment, and fan concern. Despite all the hubbub, … Read more

Could a dopamine detox help restore your sanity?

Could a dopamine detox help restore your sanity?

TikTok’s latest viral wellness trend encourages people to take a short, sharp break from the pleasures of social media, TV, movies, and the music too As just about anyone who has found themselves a slave to their iPhone will tell you, interacting with the endless stream of online content often leaves us feeling dirty, uninspired, … Read more

Anxious about AI? You are not alone. Here’s what therapists recommend.

Anxious about AI?  You are not alone.  Here's what therapists recommend.

With AI systems evolving rapidly, it’s not uncommon to feel anxious about the development of technology and how it affects our work. According to a Forbes advisory survey, 77% of people fear AI will cause job losses in the next year as companies are looking to boost overall productivity. Even if AI hasn’t been implemented … Read more